An SFAS behavior staff member greets Kenna, a new arrival from the Las Vegas Animal Care Center.

Gift Match Extended!

We have some thrilling news to share! Our generous donor, Liberty Ranch, has extended our campaign to match $85,000 in donations for our 85th anniversary until JULY 14TH! This means your donation will go twice as far in helping us save animal lives in and beyond Santa Fe.

Expanding Our Help

We are proud to announce that we are furthering our assistance with the Las Vegas Animal Care Center. In collaboration with the incredible people at ASPCA, we successfully transferred 38 animals out of SFAS to make room for 20+ animals from Las Vegas. This effort ensures that animals affected by recent crises receive the care and support they desperately need!

Your donations make this critical work possible. Every contribution, big or small, helps us continue to be a lifeline for animals and communities in need. From medical treatments to emergency rescues, your generosity ensures we can respond swiftly and effectively in times of crisis.

Don’t Wait, Donate Today

This is a unique opportunity to double your impact and make a lasting difference. Your donation will help us continue our mission of compassion and care, providing a safe haven for animals and supporting our neighbors during these trying times. Together, we can create a brighter future for our furry friends.

Thank you for your unwavering support and dedication to our cause. Let’s make this anniversary campaign a resounding success and continue to be there for the animals and communities who need us most.

Match Your Gift Today!