Today. Tomorrow. Always.

Celebrating 85 years of service!

We are honored to be your community animal shelter. Our commitment to protect and provide for animals in need is what has and continues to drive our work. Over the past decade alone, we have found homes for over 24,332 animals. This remarkable achievement is a testament to the dedication of our staff, volunteers, and generous supporters like you.

A Decade of Impact 

  • 24,332+ animals adopted into loving homes
  • 21,310+ surgeries performed
  • 9,692+ animals reunited with their families
  • 7,112+ animals sent to foster homes
  • 5,637+ animals transferred in

As a donor, you propel the Shelter’s impact. You should be proud to know that these statistics represent lives transformed and futures secured. Amazing! And our work together is far from done. As we celebrate this milestone year, we are more committed than ever to expanding our reach and enhancing our services to help even more animals in and beyond our immediate community. Can we count on you to ensure we remain an important community resource for the next decade?

You did it, donors! Thanks to your incredible generosity, we have surpassed our $85,000 goal. As of today, you have contributed over $92,000. Let's see if we can get to $100,000 by July 14th!

Double Your Impact: Anniversary Matching Challenge (Extended!)

In celebration of our 85th anniversary, we are excited to announce a special opportunity to make your donations go even further. Thanks to the incredible generosity of Liberty Ranch, all gifts made from now until July 14 will be doubled, up to $85,000!

Your continued support will enable us to:

  • Rescue more animals from dire situations
  • Provide essential medical care and rehabilitation
  • Facilitate more adoptions into loving homes
  • Partner with the community to advance animal welfare 

Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of animals. Thank you for being a part of our community and for your unwavering commitment to our cause.

Match Your Gift Today!